Saturday, November 8

Veiled Angel

Another jolt,another pangs of pain
Life never stopped,neither did pain
Survived beyond words in silence.

Days past and months ran into years
A voice walked in with words of lullaby
Where you go, i will be there with you.

Comforts poured in from heaven
Trust every word and hold on to it
Life started becoming meaningful.

The entire scenario changed to brightens
Colours of life, with promises of life
Over and over the promises came.

Never will i leave your hand in life,
Will always hold you close to me
The angelic promise never stopped.

Every word i say is a promise,
No matter how where or when?
This i promise,will withhold all hazards.

Conditions occurred and angles vanished
Human face appeared within the angel
Angel disappeared and so did the promises.


Sapna Anu B.George said...

Every word i say is true, this i promis you........

ബഷീർ said...

hi sabg

good. :)

is this spelling errors..or

angles vanished

Sapna Anu B.George said...

That was defenitly a spelling error....corrected thanks Basheer

Cynthia said...

Riveting as always.

Sapna Anu B.George said...

Thanks Cynthya

Teresa Cordero Cordell said...

Dear Sapna, thank you so much for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. I spent some time looking over your beautiful blogs. Your writing is very touching and sensitive. Lovely. Are those your paintings on your Canvas blog? They are beautiful. You asked how you could get the award pictures. Right click over the picture and save to your picture folder. It's that simple. Let me know if it works OK.

Sapna Anu B.George said...

Dear Teresa....Thanks so much for the lovely words.